Realising the rights of persons with disabilities

Stakeholder group who attended the stakeholder consultation meeting in Oro, Northern Province in relation to the information disabilities which was conducted by staff members of Callan Services in Oro from the 19th to the 22nd of February 2018. The purpose of the data collection was to prepare a instrument for an establishment of an inclusive education resource in Oro. 


Statement of Purpose

We the Network of Callan Services for Persons with Disabilities, inspired by the life of Jesus and the work of Br Edmund Rice, express the liberating heart of God, so that persons with disabilities in Papua New Guinea participate and contribute meaningfully in an inclusive society. As part of the Edmund Rice network in the Oceania Province, and in partnership with Catholic Dioceses, other churches, international and PNG-based non government organisations and local communities we:

  1. provide special education and community based rehabilitation services to help children with disabiltieis access inclusive and effective education
  2. work with children and families to develop their full potential
  3. provide quality community based rehabilitation services to persons with disability for improved health and functioning in the local communities
  4. provide and facilitate the devleopment of higher level skills in education, health and support services personnel
  5. create new policies, positions and services to promote an inclusive society
  6. enable appropriate responses by researching emerging needs related to those at risks in society, especially persons with disabilities
  7. provide sustainable, quality services with effective leadership, governance, and monitoring and evaluation

The values that shape our work:

  1. Respect - treat with dignity -  ourselves, family, colleague, work ethics and those we serve, community, partners, property and environment
  2. Justice - bring to life barrier-free and rights-based communities
  3. Presence - attuned to God in the mystery of life and work
  4. Compassion - respond to our communities with an open heart and hand
The Network consists of 19 Inclusive Education Resource Centres in 17 provinces of Papua New Guinea that are established through the National Department of Education, a Callan Studies National Institute and Callan Services National Unit.
Click here to get the map of the Network. 






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Network of Callan Services P.O Box 706,
East Sepik Province,
Papua New Guinea
+675 456 3510